Built Environment & Energy Laboratory

2023 News
Dec 22, 2023: Our paper "Guo, K., Chen, C.* (2024). Investigation of far-UVC (222 nm) disinfection of bioaerosols deposited on surfaces with different material properties." has been accepted by Journal of Hazardous Materials. Congratulations to Kangqi!

Nov 21, 2023: Our paper "Huang, W., Guo, K., Pan, Y., Chen, C.* (2024). Enhancing the effectiveness of bioaerosol disinfection in indoor environments by optimizing far-UVC lamp locations based on Markov chain model." has been accepted by Science of the Total Environment. Congratulations to Wenjie!

Nov 15, 2023: Hoi Fung Ronaldo Chan and Can Xiao's project "E-COATING" won The James Dyson Award - Global Sustainability Award. Congratulations to Ronaldo and Can!

Oct 31, 2023: Our paper "Bian, Y.^, Niu, Z^., Zhang, C., Pan, Y., Wang, Y.*, Chen, C.* (2023). Encrusting MOF nanoparticles onto nanofibers via spray-initiated synthesis to boost the filtration performances of nanofiber membranes." has been accepted by Separation and Purification Technology. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Yong Wang from Southeast University. Congratulations to Ye and Zhuolun!

Oct 03, 2023: Our paper "Guo, K., Pan, Y., Chan, H.F.R., Ho, K.-F., Chen, C.* (2023). Far-UVC disinfection of airborne and surface virus in indoor environments: laboratory experiments and numerical simulations." has been accepted by Building and Environment. Congratulations to Kangqi!

Sep 21, 2023: Our paper "Yu, X., Chan, J., Chen, C.* (2021). Review of radiative cooling materials: performance evaluation and design approaches. Nano Energy, 88, 106259." has received 100 citations in Google Scholar.

Sep 21, 2023: The paper "Yu, X., Chan, H.F.R., Xiao, C., Chen, C.* (2023). Cheaper radiative cooling paint by milling larger glass bubbles." has been accepted by Energy and Buildings. Congratulations to Xinxian!

Sep 13, 2023: Hoi Fung Ronaldo Chan and Can Xiao's project "E-COATING" won the national winner of The James Dyson Award. Congratulations to Ronaldo and Can!

Aug 30, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen received the funding from MTR Academy through MTR Research Funding (MRF). "222-nm far UVC light for effective and safe infection control in MTR trains." No. CHU-23001, HK$1,380,705.

Aug 22, 2023: Our paper "Chen, C., Zhao, B. (2011). Review of relationship between indoor and outdoor particles: I/O ratio, infiltration factor and penetration factor. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 275–288." has received 1,000 citations in Google Scholar.

Aug 22, 2023: The paper "Pan, Y., Guo, K., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Ho, K.-F., Chen, C.* (2023). Developing a survival probability-based Lagrangian model for predicting ultraviolet disinfection of bioaerosols in enclosed environments." has been accepted by Building and Environment. Congratulations to Yue!

Aug 08, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen, together with Prof. Wei Ren, received the funding from The Chinese University of Hong Kong through Academic Equipment Grant (AEG). "High-bandwidth and high-sensitivity signal analyzer for bioaerosol and biogas characterization." No. 3036200, HK$1,988,451, 08/2023 – 02/2024.

Aug 06, 2023: Our paper "Bian, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, L.*, Chen, C.* (2020). Influence of fiber diameter, filter thickness, and packing density on PM2.5 removal efficiency of electrospun nanofiber air filters for indoor applications. Building and Environment, 170, 106628." has received 100 citations in Google Scholar.

Aug 05, 2023: The paper "Pan, Y., Huang, W., Dai, H.K., Bian, Y., Ho, K.-F.*, Chen, C.* (2023). Evaluation of intervention measures in reducing the driver’s exposure to respiratory particles in a taxi with infected passengers." has been accepted by Science of the Total Environment. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Kin-Fai Ho from The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care at CUHK. Congratulations to Yue!

Aug 04, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen visited Southeast University and Nanjing Tech University in Nanjing, China, and gave a talk entitled "Airborne particle control in indoor environments". Thanks to Prof. Yong Wang and Dr. Ye Bian for hosting the visit!

Aug 01, 2023: Houhua Wu, Chengzhong Deng, and Lu Zhou joined our group as Ph.D. student. Houhua obtained his B.Eng. in Energy and Power Engineering and M.Eng. in Resources and Environment both from Tsinghua University. Chengzhong obtained his B.Eng. in Energy and Powering Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2022. Lu obtained her B.Eng. in Building Environment and Energy Applications from Chongqing University and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering Design from The University of Sheffield. Welcome!

Jul 31, 2023: Wenjie Huang, Yuting An, and Zhoulun Niu have obtained their Ph.D. degree from CUHK. Congratulations!

Jul 28, 2023: We had a group lunch together to celebrate the successful completion of Ph.D. study for Yuting, Zhuolun, and Wenjie, and the good research progress of all the group members in the fast half year.

Jul 25, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen visited School of Civil Engineering at Chongqing University in China and gave a talk entitled "Airborne particle control in indoor environments". Thanks to Prof. Meng Liu and Dr. Huan Liu for hosting the visit!

Jul 20, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen and Dr. Yue Pan attended the Healthy Buildings 2023 Asia and Pacific Rim in Tianjin, China.

Jul 10, 2023: Prof. Yixing Chen from Hunan University, China, visited us and gave a Department Seminar on "AutoBPS: A Multi-Level Urban Building Energy Modeling Platform to Support Building Energy Efficiency from Building Groups to an Entire City".

Jul 03, 2023: The paper "An, Y., Chen, C.* (2023). Energy-efficient control of indoor PM2.5 and thermal comfort in a real room using deep reinforcement learning" has been accepted by Energy and Buildings. Congratulations to Yuting!

Jun 28, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen received the funding from The Chinese University of Hong Kong through IdeaBooster Fund. "Recycled glass-based radiative cooling paint for sustainable cooling harvesting." No. IDBF23ENG03, HK$100,000, 06/2023 – 06/2025.

Jun 18, 2023: Dr. Yue Pan attended the 11th National Indoor Environment and Health Conference in Hohhot, China, and represented Prof. Chun Chen to give an invited talk.

Jun 16, 2023: Wenjie Huang and Kangqi Guo attended the first-ever International Conference on Far-UVC Science and Technology (ICFUST) in New York, USA.

Jun 14, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen, Dr. Xinxian Yu, Wenjie Huang, Yiding Zhou, and Can Xiao attended the 18th Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe Conference in Aachen, Germany.

Jun 08, 2023: Yuting An passed his Ph.D. thesis defense. His thesis title is "Development of Advanced Control Algorithms for Mitigating Indoor PM2.5 Pollution". Congratulations to Dr. An!

Jun 08, 2023: Wenjie Huang passed her Ph.D. thesis defense. Her thesis title is "Modeling Airborne Infectious Particle Transport in Indoor Environments". Congratulations to Dr. Huang!

Jun 06, 2023: Prof. Wei Liu from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, visited us and gave a Department Seminar on "Inverse Design of Built Environments with Shape Optimizations".

Jun 05, 2023: Kangqi Guo passed both her CE written and oral exam and becomes a Ph.D. candidate. Her thesis title is "Controlling Airborne and Surface Bioaerosols with Far-UVC in Indoor Environments". Congratulations to Kangqi!

Jun 05, 2023: Zhuolun Niu passed his Ph.D. thesis defense. His thesis title is "Development of Electrospun Nanofiber Filters for Indoor Air Quality Control". Congratulations to Dr. Niu!

May 23, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen and Ho Kam Dai attended the the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2023) in Tokyo, Japan.

Apr 29, 2023: Our invention "Chen, C., Yu, X., Chan, H.F.R., Xiao, C. Scalable recycled material-based radiative cooling for free cooling harvesting" received the Silver Medal in the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva.

Apr 21, 2023: Hoi Fung Ronaldo Chan and Can Xiao's project "Scalable Recycled Material-based Radiative Cooling for Free Cooling Harvesting" won the Champion in Postgraduate Group Entry of Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2023. Congratulations to Ronaldo and Can!

Apr 08, 2023: Our conference paper "Guo, K., Pan, Y., Chan H.F.R., Chen, C.* (2023). Evaluating the disinfection effect of far-UVC (222 nm) light in typical indoor environments" received the Young Investigator Award of the first-ever International Conference on Far-UVC Science and Technology (ICFUST). Congratulations to Kangqi!

Apr 08, 2023: Our conference paper "Huang, W., Guo, K., Pan, Y., Chen, C.* (2023). A quick method for evaluating the disinfection effectiveness of far-UVC light on bioaerosol transport based on Markov chain model" received the Young Investigator Award of the first-ever International Conference on Far-UVC Science and Technology (ICFUST). Congratulations to Wenjie!

Jan 30, 2023: Our paper "An, Y., Niu, Z., Chen, C.* (2022). Smart control of window and air cleaner for mitigating indoor PM2.5 with reduced energy consumption based on deep reinforcement learning. 224, 109583" received the 2022 Best Paper Award for a Young Author from Building and Environment journal. The journal received about 5,500 submissions in 2022 and only four best papers and two best papers for a young author are selected. Congratulations to Yuting!

Jan 05, 2023: Prof. Chun Chen serves as the Co-PI of the Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG) "Developing next-generation mid-infrared laser sensors for greenhouse gas monitoring, No. C4002-22Y, HK$3,946,000, 08/2023 – 07/2026." funded by Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong and led by Prof. Wei Ren.