Built Environment & Energy Laboratory

2018 News
Dec 25, 2018: The paper "Liu, W.*, You, R., Chen, C.* Modeling transient particle transport by fast fluid dynamics with the Markov chain method." has been accepted by Building Simulation. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Wei Liu from Zhejiang University-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ZJU-UIUC) Institute at Zhejiang University, Haining, China.

Nov 19, 2018: Tongling Xia has passed her Ph.D. candidancy and qualifying exams (both written and oral). Her proposed thesis title is "Estimating and Controlling indoor PM2.5 of outdoor origin". She has published one paper in Building and Environment and another paper in Energy and Buildings. Congratulations to Tongling!

Oct 29, 2018: Prof. Chun Chen received a research fund from the Boeing Company. "Developing a new nozzle for reducing particle deposition in aircraft cabins - Phase II". The Boeing Company, Research and Development Project, No. 2018-GT-131, USD300,000 (~HKD2,351,000), 10/2018 to 12/2019. This is a follow-up project aiming to develop a clean cabin nozzle for airplanes.

Oct 23, 2018: The paper "Xia, T., Chen, C.* Differentiating between indoor exposure to PM2.5 of indoor and outdoor origin using time-resolved monitoring data." has been accepted by Building and Environment. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Congratulations to Tongling!

Aug 20, 2018: The paper "Liu, C.*, Yang, J., Ji, S., Lu, Y., Wu, P., Chen, C.* Influence of natural ventilation rate on indoor PM2.5 deposition." has been accepted by Building and Environment. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Cong Liu from the School of Energy and Environment at Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

Aug 15, 2018: Our Building Energy & Environment Laboratory (BEE Lab) on 3/F in Academic Building 1 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong has been renovated. Thanks to Tongling, Yue, Ye, and Charlie for their hard work!

Aug 01, 2018: Xinxian Yu (Ph.D. student), Ho Kam (Kelvin) Dai (M.Phil. student), and Haiqiang Zhang (RA) joined our group. Xinxian graduated from Dalian University of Technology. Kelvin graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Haiqiang graduated from Tsinghua University. Welcome!

Jul 27, 2018: Prof. Chun Chen attended the 15th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2018) from July 22-27 in Philadelphia, PA, USA. He gave a podium and a poster presentation and served as the Chair for two podium sessions. The photo is the Tsinghua alumni attending this conference.

Jul 18, 2018: The paper "Bian, Y., Wang, R., Wang, S., Yao, C., Ren, W., Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* Metal-organic frameworks-based nanofiber filters for effective indoor air quality control." has been accepted by Journal of Materials Chemistry A. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Li Zhang from our Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Congratulations to Ye!

Jun 30, 2018: Charlie (Ting Sin Hang) has left our group. He is going to pursuite his M.Sc. degree in Building Services Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Good luck to Charlie!

Jun 29, 2018: Prof. Chun Chen received a grant from RGC, "Investigation of the air resistance of nanofiber window screens for reducing indoor exposure to PM2.5 of outdoor origin".Research Grant Council (RGC), Early Career Scheme (ECS), HKD750,000, 01/2019 to 31/2021.

Jun 26, 2018: Prof. Chun Chen presented a paper "Xia, T., Chen, C.* (2018). Comparison of air resistance between electrospun nanofiber filters and conventional filters (Paper HO-18-C010)" in 2018 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Annual Conference, Houston, TX, USA.

Jun 12, 2018: The paper "Bian, Y., Zhang, L.*, Chen, C.* Experimental and modeling study of pressure drop across electrospun nanofiber air filters." has been accepted by Building and Environment. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Li Zhang from our Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Congratulations to Ye!

May 24, 2018: Prof. Chun Chen received a grant from SHIAE, "Development of a novel cooling tower with free daytime radiative cooling for reducing energy consumption in buildings". Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering (SHIAE), HKD756,000, RNE-p1-18, 07/2018 to 06/2020.

Apr 04, 2018: The paper "Bian, Y., Wang, R., Ting S.H., Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* Electrospun SF/PVA nanofiber filters for highly-efficient PM2.5 capture." has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Li Zhang from our Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Congratulations to Ye!

Mar 14, 2018: The paper "Lai, D., Chen, C., Liu, W., Shi, Y., Chen, C.* An ordered probability model for predicting outdoor thermal comfort" has been accepted by Energy and Buildings. This is a collaborative research with Dr. Dayi Lai from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Tianjin University.

Feb 28, 2018: The invited paper "Chen C.*, Zhao B., Lai D., and Liu W., A simple method for differentiating direct and indirect exposure to exhaled contaminants in mechanically ventilated rooms" has been accepted by Building Simulation for a special issue of the 10-year anniversary of the journal.

Feb 20, 2018: Prof. Chun Chen received the Dean's Exemplary Teaching Award 2017. The courses Prof. Chen taught in 2016-17 were EEEN3010 "Building Automation and Control" and MAEG2030 "Thermodynamics".