Built Environment & Energy Laboratory

2020 News
Dec 09, 2020: Tongling Xia passed her Ph.D. oral exam. Her thesis title is "Effective strategies for indoor particulate air pollution control". During the Ph.D. study, Tongling has published five high-quality journal papers and another one is to be submitted. Congratulations to Dr. Xia!

Dec 02, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen was advanced from Associate Member to Member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Nov 06, 2020: The paper "Niu, Z., Bian, Y., Xia, T., Zhang, Li.*, Chen, C.* (2021). An optimization approach for fabricating electrospun nanofiber air filters with minimized pressure drop for indoor PM2.5 control." has been accepted by Building and Environment. Congratulations to Zhuolun and Ye!

Nov 02, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen, Tongling Xia, Yue Pan, and Xinxian Yu attend the 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate (Indoor Air 2020). Four conference papers were presented in the virtual conference.

Oct 23, 2020: The Built Envionment & Energy Laboratory (BEE Lab) at the 3F of Academic Building 1 has been renovated. Many thanks to Zhuolun's efforts!

Oct 07, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen received the research funding from the Boeing Company: "Effectiveness of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection of exhaled bioaerosols in aircraft cabins", No. 2020-GT-193, USD180,000 (~HKD1,395,000), 10/2020 to 09/2021.

Sep 30, 2020: The paper "Dai, H.K., Huang, W., Fu, L., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Dong, Z., You, R., Chen, C.* (2021). Investigation of pressure drop in flexible ventilation ducts under different compression ratios and bending angles" has been accepted by Building Simulation. Congratulations to Kelvin!

Sep 23, 2020: The paper "Pan, Y., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Dong, Z., Chen, C.* (2021). Computer-aided design of a new cabin supply air nozzle in commercial airplanes for reducing particle deposition" has been accepted by Building and Environment. Congratulations to Yue!

Sep 21, 2020: The paper "Liu, W., van Hooff, T., An, Y., Hu, S., Chen, C.* Modeling transient particle transport in transient indoor airflow by fast fluid dynamics with the Markov chain method." has been accepted by Building and Environment. This is a collaborative research with Prof. Wei Liu from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Aug 28, 2020: Dr. Ye Bian has finished his Postdoc research in our group. He will join Southeast University, Nanjing, China, as a Research Associate Professor. Best wishes to Ye!

Aug 01, 2020: Wenjie Huang and Yiding Zhou joined our group as Ph.D. students. Wenjie obtain her Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Master degree from Tsinghua University. Yiding obtained his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Welcome!

Jul 21, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen received the Academic Equipment Grant (AEG) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong: "Airborne particle sizer". No. 3036066, HKD1,218,570, 07/2020 to 02/2021.

Jul 10, 2020: The paper "Xia, T., Chen, C.* (2020). Evolution of pressure drop across electrospun nanofiber filters clogged by solid particles and its influence on indoor particulate air pollution control" has been accepted by Journal of Hazardous Materials. Congratulations to Tongling!

Jul 07, 2020: Ho Kam Dai successfully passed his M.Phil. oral defense. His thesis title is "Experimental and modeling study of pressure drop in flexible ventilation ducts". After obtaining his M.Phil. degree, Kelvin will continue to pursuit the Ph.D. degree in our group. Congratulations to Kelvin!

Jul 02, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen presented a paper "Liu, C., Chen, C.* (2020). Measuring PM2.5 deposition rates under different natural ventilation rates in two classrooms" at the 2020 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Annual Conference, June 29–July 02, Virtual Conference, Paper 27040.

Jun 30, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen received research funding from Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong through the General Research Fund (GRF). "Enhancing the performance of electrospun nanofiber filters by structure optimization and their application in buildings for effective indoor PM2.5 control". No. 14204520, HKD873,995, 01/2021 to 12/2023.

Jun 16, 2020: Xinxian Yu passed his written and oral qualifying exams and becomes a Ph.D. candidate. His thesis is about "Modeling and assessment of energy savingfrom radiative cooling". Congratulations to Xinxian!

May 06, 2020: The paper "Bian, Y.^, Wang, S.^, Jin, D., Wang, R.*, Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* (2020). A general anion exchange strategy to transform metal-organic framework embedded nanofibers into high-performance lithium-ion capacitors" has been accepted by Nano Energy. Congratulations to Ye!

Apr 15, 2020: Wenjie Huang received the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship sponsored by the Research Grants Coucil (RGC) of Hong Kong. Wenjie will continue to work in our group as a Ph.D. student starting in the 2020/21 academic year. Congratulations to Wenjie!

Apr 01, 2020: The paper "Bian, Y., Chen, C., Wang, R., Wang, S., Pan, Y., Zhao, B., Chen, C.*, Zhang, L.* (2020). Effective removal of particles down to 15 nm using scalable metal-organic framework-based nanofiber filters" has been accepted by Applied Materials Today. Congratulations to Ye!
Mar 25, 2020: The paper "Pan, Y., Lin, C.-H., Wei, D., Chen, C.* (2020). Influence of surface roughness on particle deposition distribution around multi-slot cabin supply air nozzles of commercial airplanes" has been accepted by Building and Environment. Congratulations to Yue!

Feb 16, 2020: The paper "Xia, T., Bian, Y., Shi, S., Zhang, L., Chen, C.* (2020). Influence of nanofiber window screens on indoor PM2.5 of outdoor origin and ventilation rate: an experimental and modeling study" has been accepted by Building Simulation. Congratulations to Tongling!

Feb 13, 2020: Our laboratory has been renamed as "Built Environment & Energy Laboratory". The research directions have been updated. Now our research work has been divided into "Airborne Particle Dynamics in the Built Environment" and "Energy and Comfort in the Built Environment".

Feb 08, 2020: The paper "Yu, X., Chen, C.* A simulation study for comparing the cooling performance of different daytime radiative cooling materials" has been accepted by Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. Congratulations to Xinxian!

Feb 04, 2020: The paper "Xia, T., Chen, C.* Toward understanding the evolution of incense particles on nanofiber filter media: its influence on PM2.5 removal efficiency and pressure drop" has been accepted by Building and Environment. Congratulations to Tongling!

Feb 02, 2020: Prof. Chun Chen attended the 2020 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Winter Conference at Orlando, FL, USA, and gave a talk entitled "Experimental measurements and large eddy simulation of particle deposition distribution around aircraft cabin supply air nozzles" in Seminar 17.

Jan 16, 2020: The Building Energy and Environment Laboratory (BEE Lab) group had a lunch gathering to celebrate the Chinese New Year. In 2019, our group has grown to a group of 10 members including the PI, 6 Ph.D. students/candidates, 1 M.Phil. student, 1 Postdoc, and 1 Research Assistant.

Jan 03, 2020: Prof. Dayi Lai from Shanghai Jiao Tong University visited our group and gave a talk on "Human thermal comfort and behavior in cities and buildings". We have co-authored with Prof. Lai on three journal papers. The collaboration will continue in the future.